
1 to 3 lb
fresh okra, sliced about 1/4-inch thick
1 pkg
stovetop stuffing mix, any flavor (we like the cornbread flavor best)
1/4 c
(1/2 stick) butter or margarine
water as called for on stuffing mix package
salt and pepper to taste

eggs (optional)
2/3 c
milk or light cream (optional)
Directions Step-By-Step

1Heat butter and water together to a boil in a large saucepan. Stir in the stuffing mix, handling gently so it doesn't pack down. Let set 5 minutes, and fluff with a fork.

2Season the okra with salt and pepper. Toss the okra with the stuffing mix until all is well combined. Spoon the mixture into a 2-3 quart casserole dish.

3Now, you can bake this for 15-20 minutes in a 350° oven until okra is done and dressing is crunchy. Or, if you like a dish that you can cut into squares, do the following:

4After spooning mixture into casserole dish, beat together the eggs and milk. Pour evenly over the casserole, using a fork to help it penetrate the dressing and okra. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes until eggs are set. Allow to cool 5 minutes before slicing.

5Cheese lovers: feel free to top with shredded cheese during the last 10-15 minutes of baking. Some good options are Swiss, Cheddar, or Parmesan.


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